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Falcons Football

Attendance Policy

Hinsdale Falcon Cheerleading is a team sport and full and equal participation of each squad member is crucial to creating a positive, productive and safe experience for ALL Falcon cheerleaders. Accordingly, all squad members are expected to be present, arriving on time, to each practice, game, competition, and performance. Full participation of all those assigned to a squad helps ensure a safe and productive environment for practices, routine development and competition.  Consequently, the absence of even one squad member impacts the safety and success of the entire squad.  A single miss affects the entire squad and impacts those who have committed to be at all practices and games.  




Attendance and participation at each practice, game and competition is MANDATORY in order to create the most safe and successful experience for every Falcon cheerleader and squad. AN ABSENCE IS NOT EXCUSED FOR ANOTHER SPORT/ACTIVITY. Hinsdale Falcon Cheerleading is expected to be a priority commitment for each Falcon cheerleader during the season. 


Proper notification and adherence to attendance policy procedures is expected.  




n  Sickness (with a doctor’s note), death in family, religious obligation.


n  Special “Once in a Lifetime” events with advance approval of your squad’s Coach and the Falcons Cheer Review Board. Approval may be granted for a maximum of 2 days for the entire season. No excused absences will be approved for the one-week period prior to a competition.  All special requests for the season must be submitted by August 31 to your squad’s Coach, and those requests will be forwarded to the Falcons Cheer Review Board for review.  Forms are available on our website at




n  Any unreported absence from a game, practice, competition, or special event which occurs that is not excused.


n  Tardiness/Leaving early: Consistent tardiness (3 or more times) or leaving practice early is considered 1 UNEXCUSED absence.  




First Infraction – A warning is given to the Falcon cheerleader and parents via email and/or written note.


Second Infraction – The Falcon cheerleader is not allowed to perform in competition(s) and/or is removed from the squad.


Hinsdale Falcon Football & Cheer
Hinsdale, Illinois 60521

Email: [email protected]
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